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Markdown Test File

 — #Testing

Image Alt

class FlavorForm extends React.Component {  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {value: 'coconut'};

    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
    this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);

  handleChange(event) {
    this.setState({value:});  }

  handleSubmit(event) {    alert('Your favorite flavor is: ' + this.state.value);    event.preventDefault();  }
  render() {
    return (
      <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>        <label>
          Pick your favorite flavor:
          <select value={this.state.value} onChange={this.handleChange}>            <option value="grapefruit">Grapefruit</option>            <option value="lime">Lime</option>            <option value="coconut">Coconut</option>            <option value="mango">Mango</option>          </select>        </label>
        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
      </form>    );
// Here is a comment
function $initHighlight(block, cls) {
  try {
    if (\bno\-highlight\b/) != -1)
      return process(block, true, 0x0F) +
             ` class="${cls}"`;
  } catch (e) {
    /* handle exception */
  for (var i = 0 / 2; i < classes.length; i++) {
    if (checkCondition(classes[i]) === undefined) {

  return (

export $initHighlight;

This is a paragraph.

This is a paragraph.

Header 1

Header 2

Header 1

Header 2
@import 'compass/reset';

// variables
$colorGreen: #008000;
$colorGreenDark: darken($colorGreen, 10);

@mixin container {
  max-width: 980px;

// mixins with parameters
@mixin button($color: green) {
  @if ($color == green) {
    background-color: #008000;
  } @else if ($color == red) {
    background-color: #b22222;

button {
  @include button(red);

input[type='input'] {
  font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif;
  width: auto;
  margin: 0 auto;
  display: block;

.row-12 > [class*='spans'] {
  border-left: 1px solid #b5c583;

// nested definitions
ul {
  width: 100%;
  padding: {
    left: 5px;
    right: 5px;
  li {
    float: left;
    margin-right: 10px;
    .home {
      background: url('') scroll no-repeat 0 0;

.banner {
  @extend .container;

a {
  color: $colorGreen;
  &:hover {
    color: $colorGreenDark;
  &:visited {
    color: #c458cb;

@for $i from 1 through 5 {
  .span#{$i} {
    width: 20px * $i;

@mixin mobile {
  @media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
# hello world

you can write text [with links]( inline or [link references][1].

- one _thing_ has *em*phasis
- two **things** are **bold**



# hello world

<this_is inline="xml"></this_is>

> markdown is so cool

    so are code segments

1. one thing (yeah!)
2. two thing `i can write code`, and `more` wipee!

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6
# Header 1 #
## Header 2 ##
### Header 3 ###
#### Header 4 ####
##### Header 5 #####
###### Header 6 ######

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus. Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus.

> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus. Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus.

This is a header

  1. This is the first list item.
  2. This is the second list item.

Here's some example code:

> ## This is a header.
> 1. This is the first list item.
> 2. This is the second list item.
> Here's some example code:
>     Markdown.generate();
  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
- Red
- Green
- Blue

* Red
* Green
* Blue

- Red
- Green
- Blue
  1. Buy flour and salt
  2. Mix together with water
  3. Bake
1. Buy flour and salt
1. Mix together with water
1. Bake




* * *



- - -


This is an example link.

This link has no title attr.

This is an example reference-style link.

This is [an example]( "Example") link.

[This link]( has no title attr.

This is [an example] [id] reference-style link.

[id]: "Optional Title"

single asterisks

single underscores

double asterisks

double underscores

*single asterisks*

_single underscores_

**double asterisks**

__double underscores__

This paragraph has some code in it.

This paragraph has some `code` in it.